divendres, 31 de gener del 2014

Smart Rural Grid

Aquest cop parlem de nosaltres.

Com a líders del projecte Smart Rural Grid, finançat per la Comissió Europea dins el Setè Programa Marc (FP7), tenim el repte de coordinar un equip de tècnics i científics de diferents països europeus, alhora que participar en la descripció dels requisits tècnics dels dispositius que es dissenyaran per assolir els objectius, i finalment fer servir la nostra xarxa de distribució per fer les proves pilot.

El projecte, com es descriu a l’abstract, és el següent:

The Smart_Rural_Grid project is aimed at developing an innovative smart grid approach targeted to the particular conditions of rural energy distribution networks. The project will devote particular attention to highlight the differentiated specificities of rural energy distribution and will target the need of gaining substantial improvements in terms of efficiency, quality and network resilience, favouring the introduction of new innovative business models in support of rural DSO’s operations and of their future economic and industrial sustainability.
By exploring the convergence between energy and telecom networks, the project is focused on the needs and visions for the future of DSOs’ with rural networks, and intends to face a systemic development of rural smart grids aimed at allowing DSOs to operate more efficiently, integrate local renewable energy sources, interconnect prosumers and increase and guarantee the quality of energy supply by allowing forming resilient and manageable energy islands. The project will pave the way for new industrial opportunities for the production and deployment of new industrial products (systems and devices) as well as services for energy distribution and network management and control, framed by a novel improved electricity distribution network management architecture.
The project key impacts are directly related with the delivery of significant cost and investment savings in rural energy distribution (by overall reducing the percentage of energy lost during energy distribution and the gap between energy produced and energy consumed) also allowing for an increase potential to inherently accommodate the integration and distribution of renewable energy sources and Combined Heat and Power (CHP), particularly of those connected to the distribution grid and of locally co-generated energy (including prosumers) produced in vast rural territories.

N’hem fet un vídeo casolà que podeu veure a: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZHbnyZf9tg
En destaquem el gall histèric del principi, i la vaca que pica l'ullet.

Abans de començar vam creure què, donades les nostres característiques empresarials, com a PIME, ens interessava fer un consorci, on les empreses i organitzacions participants fossin similars a nosaltres, i val a dir que estem molt satisfets dels socis que ens acompanyaran al llarg dels 36 mesos que comencen a comptar l’1 de febrer del 2014, i que són els següents:

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